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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Ultra-trace Element Analysis of Carbonate Rocks by APDC-MIBK Extraction and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

Brian E. St. John

Erosion by Biological Activity in Two New England Submarine Canyons

William P. Dillon , Herman B. Zimmerman

Blackening of Eolianite and Caliche Adjacent to Saline Lakes, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico

William C. Ward, Robert L. Folk, James Lee Wilson

Devonian Alluvial Fans, Prince of Wales Island, Arctic Canada

Andrew D. Miall

Downcurrent Changes in Sedimentary Structures in Ordovician Turbidite Greywackes

Barham Parkash

Plagioclase Feldspar As An Indicator Of Provenance In Sedimentary Rocks

Edward D. Pittman

Geochemistry of Color Genesis in Red-bed Sequence, Juniata and Bald Eagle Formations, Pennsylvania

Allan M. Thompson

Grain Size Parameters For Sandy-Gravels

K. R. Dyer

A Recent Model for Pennsylvanian Deposition in the Marathon Basin, West Texas

Romeo M. Flores, John C. Ferm

Clast Fabric of Till and its Development

John F. Lindsay

Oriented Fossils as Paleocurrent Indicators in Paleozoic Lutites of Southern Appalachians

Michael L. Jones, John M. Dennison

Mineralogy and Distribution of Clay Size Sediment in Glacier Bay, Alaska

Neal R. O'Brien, D.C. Burrell

The Influence of Areal Trends on Correlations Between Sedimentary Properties

W. C. Krumbein, Thomas A. Jones

Annual Suspended Sediment Supplied to the California Continental Borderland by the Southern California Watershed

Kelvin S. Rodolfo

Uranium Distributions in Recent Skeletal Carbonates

Johannes H. Schroeder , Donald S. Miller, Gerald M. Friedman

Nautiloids and Current Ripples as Paleocurrent Indicators in Upper Ordovician Limestones, Anticosti Island, Canada

Owen A. Dixon

Exotic Pebbles in La Salle Limestone (Upper Pennsylvanian), La Salle, Illinois

Lubomir F. Jansa, Albert V. Carozzi

Interpreting Detrital Modes of Graywacke and Arkose

William R. Dickinson

Interference Ripple Marks Formed by Ephemeral Steams

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

Diagenesis and Porosity Modification in Acropora Palmata, Pleistocene Of Barbados, West Indies

Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.

Evolution of Interstitial Waters in Recent Alaskan Marine Sediments

G. D. Sharma

The Petrology of Secondary Gypsum Rocks: A Review

D. W. Holliday

Northeast Yucatan, Mexico--A New Area Opens for Study of Carbonate-Evaporite Sediments

James Lee Wilson, William C. Ward, Michael J. Brady

Anomalous Boron Content of Two Continental Shales in Eastern Colorado

Robert D. Cody

Origin of Mud Polygons that are Concave Downward: NOTES

W. E. Lawrence Minter

A Conglomeratic Beachrock in Bimini, Bahamas: NOTES

Terence P. Scoffin

A Technique for the Rapid Determination of the Light Minerals of Detrital Sands: NOTES

David L. Gross, Stephen R. Moran

A Method for 3-Dimensional Microfabric Analysis of Tills Obtained from Exposures or Cores: NOTES

Edward B. Evenson

Dune Reddening Along the Outer Banks of North Carolina: DISCUSSION

Robert Dolan

Carbonate Facies and Paleogeography of the Blackjack Creek Formation (Pennsylvanian), Missouri: DISCUSSION

Gerard W. James

Carbonate Facies and Paleogeography of the Blackjack Creek Formation (Pennsylvanian), Missouri: REPLY

William J. Neal

Origin of Clastic Dikes in the Fountain and Casper Formations (Pennsylvanian) Southeastern Wyoming

Thomas Ahlbrandt, Ray Harris

Petrology and Geochemistry of Shoal Water Carbonate of Virgin Limestone Member, Triassic Moenkopi Formation, Clark County, Nevada

Dennis W. Belnap

Smaller Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian Calcareous Foraminifers from Nevada

Paul Brenckle

Nearshore Lacustrine Sandstone, Green River Formation (Eocene),Uinta Basin, Utah

Lee R. High, Jr., M. Dane Picard

Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Kaibab Formation (Permian), Mogollon, Rim Region Arizona

Terry J. Mather

Pennsylvanian-permian Stratigraphy of the Howard Area, Central Colorado

Walter H. Pierce

Current Directions in Straight to Slightly Meandering Ephemeral Streams

M. Dane Picard

Relative Abundance of Bedding Types and Sedimentary Structures Formed by Straight to Slightly Meandering Ephemeral Streams

M. Dane Picard

Stratigraphic Interpretation of Submarine Versus Subaerial Discontinuity Surfaces: An Example from the Cretaceous of Texas

Peter R. Rose

Environmental Reconstruction from Cross-stratification: An Example from the Pass Peak Formation (Eocene), Western Wyoming

James R. Steidtmann

Oxygen, Carbon, and Strontium Isotope and Strontium/rubidium Investigations of the Pierre Shale

Harry A. Tourtelot, R. O. Rye, Zell E. Peterman

Fusulinid Phylogeny and Early Permian Stratigraph

Garner L. Wilde

Tyee Formation: A Study of Proximality in Turbidites: ERRATUM

J. P. B. Lovell