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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)


Applications of Thermal Maturity Studies to Energy Exploration, 1990
Pages 81-96

Paleoheat Flux and Thermal Maturity from Distributions of Fission Tracks in Apatite

Z. He, I. Lerche


A track length reduction model is used for prediction of track length distributions along sedimentary burial history paths. Using the formalism, track length distribution data from four NW Canning Basin wells are inverted to determine the physical (chemical) parameters associated with the model as well as the heat flux variation with time. The resulting physical parameters are consistent among the wells tested but differ from laboratory-derived parameter values, and the thermal histories determined are consistent with those inferred from geological data. Resolution of the parameters is dependent not only on the quantity of the data but also explicitly upon the variation and distribution with depth.

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