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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 1360

Last Page: 1360

Title: Relations Between Hydraulics, Temperatures, and Crude Oil and Natural Gas Composition in Some Upper Devonian Reefs of Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Brian Hitchon

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Upper Devonian Woodbend Group and Beaverhill Lake Formation of Alberta contain numerous crude oil and natural gas occurrences pooled in several carbonate reef chains, which are hydraulically distinct with small but subtle differences in present reservoir temperature. Regionally, these hydrocarbon occurrences exhibit typical trends from immature gases in the shallower pools, sometimes associated with biodegraded crude oils, to deeper mature crude oils. Examination of the composition of the natural gases and the broad general characteristics of the crude oils suggests that there is imposed on these typical maturation trends differences in the fluid compositions and reservoir temperatures which are related to the different hydraulic systems and the position of each syste within the low fluid-potential drain which essentially channels flow within the thick sequence of highly permeable Upper Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks in the medium-depth part of the Alberta basin.

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