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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 20 (1936)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 951

Last Page: 974

Title: Preliminary Report on the Fitts Pool, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma

Author(s): Don L. Hyatt (2)


The Fitts pool, classified as Oklahoma's latest major pool, has an estimated ultimate yield of 100 million barrels. It has opened an area for potential oil fields in southeastern Oklahoma, which had previously been considered unfavorable for the accumulation of oil.

The first structure making movement of importance occurred at the end of Wapanucka time; the area was faulted, accompanied by folding and some erosion. Progressive faulting and folding continued during lower Atoka time as the area was undergoing gradual uplift during deposition. It became a positive element in about lower middle Atoka time when it received its greatest amount of uplift. Except for minor oscillations, the area remained a positive element until Middle Pennsylvanian time.

The structure of the Fitts field is a faulted anticline, which lies within the Franks graben. Accumulation is controlled by a major east-west fault and associated cross faults, post-Wapanucka in age. The field is controlled on the west and the south by faults, on the north by dip of over 500 feet to the mile on the subsurface formations, and will probably be controlled on the east by regional dip.

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