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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Alaska Geological Society


Recent & Ancient Sedimentary Environments in Alaska, 1976
Pages D1-D12

Significance of Textural Criteria in the Recognition of Ancient Polar Deltaic Sediments

A. S. Naidu, T. C. Mowatt


Grain size statistical parameters for contemporary sediment samples from several subfacies of the deltaic complex in north arctic Alaska were determined. These parameters do not offer reliable criteria to differentiate the lagoon, bay and open marine sediments. The coastal and barrier beaches and the deltaic plain have distinctive lithologies. However, use of the textural attributes to recognize beach and deltaic plain deposits of ancient polar deltas would seem to have limited applicability. The uniqueness of the beach and plain sediments is chiefly attributable to the local source of gravel-rich Quaternary Gubik Formation, rather than specifically to ice-stressed depositional processes. It is contended that structural instead of textural features will serve as better criteria to decipher the paleogeography of polar deltas.

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